Sunday, January 14, 2007

Vote for Your Mentor!

  • Do you know someone that you consider to be a mentor?

  • Has someone lent you their ear, guided you through difficulties in your business or offered constructive criticism that had a positive inpact on the way you now do things?

  • Is there someone specific that you strive to be as successful as someday?

  • Is there one person that you can think of whose website/page you make sure to visit as often as possible because the information they provide is useful to you, your target market or your business?

  • Cast your votes for the most nominated Mentoring Hot Spot - Mentor of the Year! You can submit your mentors name and website/page url along with a quick blurb as to why you consider this individual to be a mentor to our comments box within this post. This will give all of our visitors a chance to view and comment on the mentors that our being nominated for Mentor of the Year!

    We will tally up the nominations for the month of January in celebration of National Mentoring Month and then announce the most voted for Mentoring Hot Spot - Mentor of the Year via our blog page in early February.

    Your Mentor will also receive an acknowledgement card, compliments of FCGM Mentoring Hot Spot letting them know that they were nominated and won a special listing as Mentor of the Year thanks to your vote.

    Let your mentor know that you appreciate what they do and the time that they take out to do it, even if you've never had a chance to meet or interact with them personally, if they have impacted your life in some way vote for them today!

    We will run these votes on a quarterly basis until the end of the year and give other nominated mentors a chance to be acknowledged, interviewed and featured via the FCGM -Mentoring Hot Spot blog.
    Get ready, set...... send your votes NOW!!!!!!

    Full Circle Global Mentoring, Inc
    We Need Mentors Like You - Join Us!


    Penny and Ronnie Haynes - Celebrate Recovery FaithPointe Church said...

    My vote has to go to Mary McDonald of McDonald Consulting Group. I had a tangled mess of websites and services. I hired her to look at everything I was doing and find a way to combine and simplify it all. She not only did it, she did it in only 1.5 hours. She has always been available for me, not only in for my business, but also for me personally, which really means a lot to me. She has been an encourager as well as a business growth catalyst. She simply has fantastic insight, ingenuity, and is wonderful at creating processes for your business. She is also a great model for me, as she has a full-time business with clients all over the world. Sometimes I think, "When I grow up, I want to be like Mary McDonald!" (smile)

    Penny Haynes, 1st Podcast Publishing

    Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder Women in Ecommerce said...

    I am nominating Dolores Canizales who works for the Mayor of San Pedro (California) for "Mentor of the Year." I was extremely shy (although no one today believes that) and my mentor helped me to overcome my shyness by encouraging me and giving me opportunities to present myself in public in non-threatening ways. For instance, when the education committee needed someone to sell chances for prizes, she asked me to go along with another member and sell tickets - doing so with someone else made me less afraid to approach someone. Once I overcame that, she asked me to just tell the group about my experience as a mentor to a student in a program created by the late Dave Thomas (of Wendy's fame). I was scared silly, but because she had such faith in my abilities, I didn't want to let her down. Later on, she took me to a Toastmasters meeting and I joined - from then on it has opened doors I previously would never have entered.

    The most valuable thing that Dolores taught me was to believe in myself and to Pay it Forward. By encouraging me to be involved in a mentor program she made me realize the impact I too could have on another. My personal mission is to give back for I have been given so much. What I remember most about our mentor partnership was Dolores’ vision and ability to see potential in others.

    Heidi Richards, Founder & CEO – The WECAI Network™ - “Helping Women Do Business on and off the WEB™”

    Anonymous said...

    I would also like to vote for Mary McDonald. She transformed my life by showing me three important things. The first is that quality tools can actually be applied to real life which has yielded endless rewards. The second is that I found my purpose in life. I am a problem solver. I can literally solve any problem no matter how many constraints you pile on my system. The third is that she removed all barriers from my success and opened doors to things that I would have said "Impossible!" to prior to her mentoring me.

    Anonymous said...

    Hi I'm new here but this is a great topic. I have a petsitting business and a MLM candle business and have been part of the Entrepreneur Leadership Center (ELC) here is Dallas TX for a year.

    My mentors are Pauline Shirley and Judy Womack who run the ELC. We were introduced though a womens networking group - Women of Visionary Influence. My mentors inspire me to take consistant action every day in my business and have shown me that anything is possible if you have a dream.

    This year they have helped me overcome my fear of letting go of total control of my pet sitting business and this has allowed me to hire 2 pet sitting contractors. These sitters have helped me build my business and given me more time to focus on my candle business.

    The most special thing about my mentors is that they live what they teach and are great role models. They have helped me grow and given me more self confidence.

    The three words I would use to descibe them are inspirational, supportive, and powerful. The most valuable thing they have taught me is to value and believe in myself.

    I would love to have them recognized - their website is
    Enter my weekly drawing to win a 16oz soy/veggie candle!

    Anonymous said...

    so nice to see that women mentoring others are being acknowledged for the motivation and inspiration they provide!